Ultima Apex Elite Blade
Ultima's APEX blade design combines a hard titanium coating with tapered edges for the best in edge control and durability!
Ultima Apex Elite TB105
Jackson/Ultima's Apex Elite blade incorporates all of the technical features of our Elite model, while offering the competitive profile and pick design of more traditional blades.
- Tapered Edges create less friction in comparison to traditional edges, resulting in better edge control and faster glide.
- Titanium coating hardens the steel for increase edge life and less frequent sharpening
- Edge durability is drastically improved with superior shine
- Straight cut picks
- Titanium coating
- Solid plates
- Standard heel
- Advanced competition profile
- Freestyle/pairs usage
- 8' Rocker
- 7/16" Radius of Hollow
Sizes 8.25" - 12"