Blog — Buyers Guide For Ice Skating

Suddenly Fall is PINK!

Posted by Marion Cepican on

Suddenly Fall is PINK!

.SKATING! Good heavens, do her skates fit? That’s when you realize that the skate bag residing in the front hall closet hasn’t been opened since the last ice show. Lysol can and fabric softener sheets in hand, the bag is retrieved and cautiously unzipped.

            “Spray first, ask questions later!” has always been my motto.

Through the Lysol cloud, you quickly pull out any laundry that attempts to walk out on its own and add some scented fabric softener sheets to reduce any unpleasant odor. You see soakers on the blades, not plastic guards, and smile with relief that the rust monster must not be battled this year. If they fit, that is. Desperate to remember the last time your skater got larger shoes, the insoles are carefully removed from the skates to check the placement of toe indentations and you realize she had a growth spurt in July.

Pre-Season Skating Checklist:

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That Certain Something Special

Posted by Marion Cepican on

That Certain Something Special

The US National Men's Champion, as most know, is Nathan Chen. He already has 2 international gold medals under his blades this season with Skate America the next stop on his way to the US Olympic team. Are you familiar with the story of Nathan and the spider? here is a quick look at Nathan's arachnid past.

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Is Your Child Ready for Ice Skating?

Posted by Marion Cepican on

Is Your Child Ready for Ice Skating?

Inspiration to experience figure skating may come from being invited to a birthday party at the local ice rink, watching a Disney prince or princess spin and jump in a “Disney on Ice” production or from viewing a televised figure skating competition. Then, one chilly day, your youngster decides that becoming an ice skater is the best idea ever! Before you dig through the basement for cousin Susie’s old double runner skates and send your child onto the ice, let’s look at the ABC’s of knowing whether or not your child is ready for skating. A is for Age. Children...

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So Your Child Wants to Skate: What Now?

Posted by Marion Cepican on

So Your Child Wants to Skate: What Now?

Now that you have decided that ice skating is a viable option for your child, what are your next steps in providing them (and you) a great ice-experience? Talk First, Lessons later. Sit your potential skater down and ask a few pertinent questions. The following are a good start: Why do you want to skate? Answers can be anything from “it looks like fun” or “my friend skates” to “I want to look like Elsa and be an ice princess.” Movies over the years, like “Ice Castles” and “Frozen,” have inspired so many children to try skating. Many take that...

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Tips & Tricks #1: The Art of Skating Tights Preservation

Posted by Marion Cepican on

Tips & Tricks #1: The Art of Skating Tights Preservation

With the figure skating qualifying season upon us, and holiday show season peeking out from the suddenly-appearing aisles of holiday decorations at Target, there are few things more annoying than getting a rip in newly-purchased tights. You know the drill: It’s right before the first competition and suddenly, you see a huge run creeping its way above the skate cuff. Over-the-boot tights are the worst because they are closer to those weapons of tight destruction commonly referred to as skate blades. Never fear, there are ways to help preserve the life of even OTB tights.

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